Do you have the financial skills you need for a role in health, aged or social care management?

If you are working as a Manager in health, aged or social care and you find yourself looking blankly at the finance team when they talk about your profit and loss reports OR you find yourself fumbling through the financial management aspects of your role, then this program might be the answer.

Why Finance for Non Financial Managers

Health, aged and social care is full of complexities with unique financial challenges such as government funding, managing demand, workforce shortages and regulatory compliance.

The Queensland Branch of ACHSM identified a gap in the training on offer for people working as managers/leaders in these sectors; and who didn't necessarily have a background in finance.

This course helps non-financial managers navigate the intricacies of health, aged and social care finance, and will provide participants with the ability to forecast financial needs, plan for expenditure, and understand financial reports.

This knowledge will not only contribute to your professional development but will give you the confidence to more effectively manage your team, ultimately leading to better consumer outcomes and financial stability.

There are two (2) micro credentials in this course, across four (4) modules.

Complete the content at your own pace, all online and with no timeframe for completion.

Complete the quiz at the end of each module, complete the micro credential and we will issue you with a digital badge; great for your performance review and that promotion you are looking for.

Choose your own adventure

This suite of microcredentials has been designed for the busy Manager, time poor but keen to learn.

With four modules and two microcredentials, complete one or complete them both. It is up to you!

And if you aren't sure, enrol in modules one and two now and come back later to complete the others.

Microcredential 1: The Basics

Module 1

Module 1 is an introductory module and covers the elements of the funding systems in the Australian health, aged and social care sectors.

In this module, you will learn about the key contemporary issues around the various aspects of health sector finance including the health system's funding, the various revenue sources, and how funding works.

Module 2

In this module, participants will learn more about the funding concepts that were introduced in Module 1 and the way that funding is allocated within a health service using budget allocations and business cases.

This module is designed to allow non-financial managers in health to understand in more detail the methods used by funders to identify the amount of funding to be allocated to a health service, and subsequently how a health provider allocates funds to the assorted services within its organisation.

Microcredential 2: Applying the knowledge

Module 3

In this module participants will learn about:

·       information reported in annual reports and audited annual financial statements

·       the differences and similarities between external and internal financial and performance reporting

·       business analysis techniques and uses within health systems

·       financial and other information available to cost centre managers

Module 4

Boards, Executives and Managers use financial and other business or performance information to inform their decision making.  It is important therefore that financial information is not only accurate, but presented in ways which clearly informs and therefore assists each level of an organisation’s management or governance structure in understanding the financial performance.

In this module we will explore how organisations use financial information in making decisions, with a focus on management and executive level information.


Click on the "enrol now" button below to enrol.

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